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HerEthics Books New Release: ENCHANTED - Love Poems and Abstract Art (International Anthology)

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Start the journey with the contemporary love poems and abstract art as your companions.

This compilation brings together distinctive generations of poetic talents on the international level. You will find famous verses of renowned Romanian poet Marieta Maglas, delicate lines of Canadian poet and novelist Andrea McKenzie Raine, distinctive poetry of Russian-born New York based poet Margaret Gudkov, as deeply touching lyrics of another New Yorker, Hank Beukema, very promising works of the talented young poet and lyrist Christopher Novelozo, visually rich expressions of author Robert Friedrich and beautiful haiku of Kenneth Jordan. But this collection is more than the poetry; to engage all senses of readers and to speak especially to young people, the anthology combines contemporary love poems with the visual aspects of abstract art. Realistic and alive watercolors of Bulgarian artist living in the Bahamas Katerina Kovatcheva, outstanding oil on canvas painted by Indiana-based artist Rodney Jones, expressionistic art and perspective photography of Detroit-based young artist Patrick Fraley, and impressive and colorful fractal art of Slovakian artist Michal Dunaj, each artwork is a story and I encourage readers to contemplate the artist’s urge for creating it. Artists included here are compelled to express themselves visually and in written form, too, as the poetic nature of their brief statements at the end of the anthology demonstrates.

Enjoy and share the love instilled. Be Enchanted!

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