Pedro was born in Mozambique in 1961, attended English schools in Lisbon and pursued his education until finishing a degree in Law.
When he was around 33, Pedro decided there’s more to life than being a lawyer and tried his hand at various business activities, the most successful of which was a company that produced and managed rock bands.
A year ago he decided to pick up again a long-forgotten hobby of his: writing.
He started with a blog, mainly dedicated to political satire.
Encouraged by the feedback from the blog Pedro then decided to try his hand at a whole book, an effort which resulted in the creation of The Prince and the Singularity – A Circular Tale and after a year in the second book Marlene and Sofia - A Double Love Story.
163 pages
fiction, spiritual, metafysics
ebook, paperback
THE PRINCE AND THE SINGULARITY – A CIRCULAR TALE by PEDRO BARRENTO is the story of the Prince aka the Master aka Francis, who is more or less immortal and goes through the millennia fighting Desire and Rejection, the roots of all unhappiness and evil. He always fails until the moment he loses interest and decides to die, which he doesn’t. Instead, he is promoted.
This is the description which author posted about his book. After I read it, I found it very hard to say exactly what about the book is.
Instead of making classic review, which intends to give an assessment about the book for a wide readership, I approach it from a different angle.
The first prerequisite for that book to be introduced to the market is to find a niche. The book requires not only mentally but especially spiritually mature reader. Reader, who already have risen over the religious differences and contradictions, able to look at them as on the steps in human development but not as on ultimate truths.
This clear statement makes easier to find an audience that is able to appreciate and enjoy this beautiful book. If the book is offered to an average reader or for the general audience, can be misunderstood, ridiculed or even generate vile rejection.
I’m not sure if author himself perceived the immense radius of the philosophical outlook expressed in this tiny work.
But from my standpoint I can say that such a books always plays a role of “message” to the exact person/s. For me it was as an old friend visited me again after a long time. That book not only touched but caressed my soul and made me feel at home.
The poetic language of the author showed his deep immersion into the issue as well as balance between his mind and soul. PEDRO BARRENTO wrote his book with easy and uplifting humor, which seems to be the hardest achievement for many others writers.
I think that synchronicity will assure that THE PRINCE AND THE SINGULARITY – A CIRCULAR TALE will attract only right readers, in the right time. This is a book with a long period of shelf-life, not just for a seasonal pitch of trends.
Only one objection which I have to express is the book-cover for an English version of the book. The cover has a rather degrading effect on the book and should be replaced with the Portuguese version.
In the line of my review I recommend this book for every reader – ready to meditate about higher truths from the independent perspective.
I give THE PRINCE AND THE SINGULARITY – THE CIRCULAR TALE by PEDRO BARRENTO 5 stars for the contents and reader’s experience.
For the technical evaluation I give 4 stars. Technical evaluation is a private assessment, only for the author.
Reviewed on 24th of October 2013
Gabrielle de la Fair
Contemporary fiction MARLENE AND SOFIA – A DOUBLE LOVE STORY by PEDRO BARRENTO follows two main characters – friends, Marlene and Sofia and their lives on the background of events that create unexpected coincidences, leading to the interpolated independent stories within contents.
This book could be situated to any place, but PEDRO BARRENTO used his own Portugal territory, a place which he knows and loves, hence adding the sense of discovery and another credit to his work. He didn’t submit to the pulls of actual short-termed trends; PEDRO BARENTO stayed himself and maintained his freedom of expression.
What I like to stress is his exact description of the female character, especially within the relationship with other female. There are so many books written about relationship between man and woman, but to bring to the foe a common interplay between two females is not very easy task.
However, PEDRO BARRENTO showed it exactly as it is with the pairs Teresa/Patricia and Marlene/Sofia: always two opposites, one "attractive and successful" biding with one "ordinary and simple". This is a common trait in female friendship and what not many people understand is that the "attractive" one uses the "less successful" partner to increase her own self-confidence while simultaneously lowering the self-confidence of her supposed friend.
I was positively surprised to see a man writing about that from such a “neutral” position, but with unusual mastery.
PEDRO BARRENTO incorporated to MARLENE AND SOFIA- A DOUBLE LOVE STORY certain realities from the daily lives of “ordinary” people, brought to the reader “alternative” point of view, intertwined the story lines in nice and realistic manner, promoted “own” place and used satirical expression of the present social flaws without being judgmental.
In addition the “conspiracy” behind the book business, sightseeing, modern technology, love and sex, romance, magic in practice and the touch of supernatural, keep the attention on.
All in all is wrapped as a lively and enjoyable “package” which can take readers away and keep them engaged.
On the end I had an “uplifting” feeling, which is the “bonus” of every good book.
MARLENE AND SOFIA - A DOUBLE LOVE STORY by PEDRO BARRENTO proudly belongs to a contemporary fiction on the international level.
I give MARLENE AND SOFIA- A DOUBLE LOVE STORY by PEDRO BARRENTO 5 stars for the contents and reader’s experience.
For the technical evaluation I give 5 stars. Technical evaluation is a private assessment, only for the author.
Reviewed on 5th of June 2014
Gabrielle de la Fair