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1. Press release

    Press release fitting the book theme writen and submited to international                           online news sites 


Price: $ 99 / per press release

2. Social media promotions

    Start-up 1 month promotion with daily tweets and posts on Twitter, G+ and FB


Price: $ 199

3. Promotional review

    Professional review including the quotations from the book. 

    The wrap-up  lines designed for the editorial review on the Amazon author page.

    1 year display on the HerEthics website alongside the author's bio. 


Price: $ 300 / only for books read by our editors

4. Promotional web site 

    Customized website including CEO, interactive, with possibility to                                         include background music, e-shop or gallery. 

    1 year up-date services and domain connection. 


Price: $ 500

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