We are open to submissions! Given this it is our utmost interest to keep the highest quality of our work. We reserve the right to reject the submitted content without any further explanation. We expect that the authors are acting on their best will and judge their work as realistic as possible. We accept only perfect outcome.
The submitted works supposed to be edited – preferably by other qualified person – and formatted as “Standard Manuscript Format” with single spacing and without any fancy fonts and decorative elements. Preferable fonts are Times New Roman and Currier, size 12.
Every submission has to be provided with:
Your real name and pseudonym (if applied)
Your exact address with clearly stated country (no just customary abbreviation like CA for California)
Your working e-mail address
Your age (we have submissions also for teenagers, so to differentiate)
General Submissions
If you are submitting work for our consideration to publish, we accept only e-mail submissions.
Email to:
In the subject state exactly:
SUBJECT: Submission: [your Name], [Name of your Work], [date of submission]
For example -SUBJECT: Submission: Oscar Wilde, House of Pomegranates, 23032014
In the body of the e-mail shortly introduce yourself and state your intent. Your work attach as a document (doc.,docx.)to this e-mail. Do not submit your work in the body of the e-mail. Submit whole work. We don’t need examples or some chapters. We read the whole work and then will give you our decision.
Before submitting, read what we do not publish!
Submissions for our thematic publication HerEthics: Changing the World
Please keep above mentioned General guidance for submissions.
In the body of e-mail mention that you are submitting for HerEthics: Changing the World
EMAIL your submission to:
Submissions for our thematic publication:HerEthics Chronicles
Please, keep above mentioned General guidance for submissions.
In the body of email mention that you are submitting for HerEthics Chronicles
EMAIL your submissions to:
Submissions for our thematic publication: Parallel Potential
Please, keep above mentioned General guidance for submissions.
In the body of email mention that you are submitting for Parallel Potential
EMAIL your submissions to:
Any other inquiries please send to e-mail: with the world “inquiry” in the SUBJECT.
Flat romance– we think that romance is a valuable part of our life; however there are so many other publishers who are specialized in romance. If there are some romantic elements in your work, without strict emphasizes on romance just for romance, it is welcome.
Sex- we do not publish sexual content which is written just to glorify or support sex as the motive for a book. However as a normal part of life, when sex is mentioned in decent and intelligent way within your work without emphasizing, it is welcome.
Violence– we do not support any violence just for violence. We know that violence is part of our lives even someone wants to close eyes before it. We encourage our authors to write about “real life” and as thus, the violence in real life cannot be omitted, but can be mentioned in an intelligent way as warning not for it glorification or even revels.
How to… nonfiction works– we do not support any shortsighted works, folded together from different sources, presenting any marketing schemes or strategies for successful writing, publishing, exercise, diet,… etc. These kinds of advice are often short-termed, valid just for a year or few. We publish works which regard human effort, intellect and knowledge, and bring know-how or philosophy in the form, which is useful for long-terms, decades, possibly centuries.
Religious works and New Age works- we do not support any fundamentalistic, fanatic, mind washing, close-minded works. Also, we do not support any channeled messages from other beings. We support own clear, bright, open-minded, visionary thoughts, ideas and philosophies, which are rather revolutionary than explanatory.