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Promotional review provide honest, impartial evaluations of your book's literary and technical aspects.  


The resulting review can be positive or negative, but always will give you clear advice how to improve your book.


You will get two-fold assessment of your book: book review and evaluation of the technical execution of your book.


You have the option of keeping the review private and simply using it as feedback or make it public to market your book.  


Technical evaluation is only for your private use and serves for improving your book's visual presentation and reader's experience.


Technical evaluation considering aspects as - genre you chose for your book, cover design, formatting errors, layout improvement, design of  your book interior, industrial standards and over whole visual appeal of your book.


Our reviews include significant summary content as well as a professional opinion of the work. 


If you decide to make your review public, we publish the review on our site, and you may use it any way you choose—on the back cover of your book, in marketing campaign, on your author-page, as Editorial Review on Amazon, etc. 


We accept only digital submissions. If you wish to review eBook send us PDF or Microsoft Word format of your book. If you wish to review printed version of your book send us PDF of the final version. 


After your submission and payment processed you will get a confirmation e-mail from HerEthics Books and your assessment will start.


We will also notify you with e-mail that your review is ready and you will receive it as PDF. Upon your request we will post it on our site. 



Send your submissions:

A dear friend who has helped me most and who has amazed me by calling attention on her "Marlene and Sofia" review to a perspective on my book that I find to be very true but which I myself hadn't even noticed - and I'm the author.


- Pedro Barrento



Biography and Memoirs

Esseys and Anthologies

Fiction and Literature

Mystery and Crime



Legends and Tales


Paranormal Romance

Science Fiction




Action and Adventure


Teen Fiction

Young Adult

New Adult

Contemporary Fiction

Children Books

Spiritual and Self improvement




Publishes Worldwide - Located in the Middle of Europe.

Literary Excellence. Aesthetic Appearance. Professional Standard.



HerEthics Books 

keep their vision on a high literary and artistic merit for their books.   



If you wrote a masterpiece, 

we will give it the best aesthetic appearance 

and your book will be a complex art!






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